Privacy Policy
1.- Identity of the Responsible for the File
The information provided by the USER through any of the forms on the WEBSITE will be treated by:
Lawyer Mr. D. Manuel L. Romeo Narváez
Illustrious Bar Association of Malaga
Member 7.550
Calle Barca 5, floor 2-1. CP 29.011 of Malaga (Malaga) Spain
Tel. +34 744 74 35 41.-
(hereinafter, THE COMPANY).
2.- The legal basis and purpose of the data processing
The legal basis that legitimizes the processing of data collected through this WEBSITE is the explicit consent of the person concerned and / or contractual relationship or legitimate interest when there is a contractual relationship with the person concerned or is to offer services and products themselves the same or similar to those contracted or previously requested. In any case, the interested party who registers through any form of this WEBSITE must check the box/check conformity explicitly consenting to the processing of data in accordance with the Privacy Policy provided in the registration of this WEBSITE.
THE COMPANY will process the information provided by the USER for different purposes, depending on the way the data is collected:
To manage, administer, provide, expand and improve the services to which the USER had decided to subscribe or register.
To adapt these services to improve their quality for the USER.
Send information requested by the USER.
Send information about new products or services similar to those originally contracted or that may be of interest by any means, including electronic, when accepted through the boxes provided for this purpose.
The USER consents to the processing of their data for the purposes described above, without prejudice to the right to revoke such consent by sending an email to the address [ARCO EMAIL], identifying themselves as USER of the WEBSITE and specifying their request or, where appropriate, by checking or unchecking the box provided for this purpose on the form itself.
3.- Data Retention
Dissociated data: Dissociated data (not associated with a user) will be retained without a period of deletion.
Contact data processed for commercial purposes: They will be kept until the user withdraws his consent.
Customer Data: The period of conservation of personal data will vary depending on the service that the Client contracts. In any case, it will be the minimum necessary, being able to be kept up to:
4 years in addition to the current year: Arts. 66 et seq. General Tax Law.
5 years: Art. 1964 Civil Code (personal actions without special time limit)
6 years: Art. 30 Code of Commerce (accounting books, invoices…)
10 years: Art.25 Law 10/2010, of April 28, 2010, on prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism.
Personal data from the contact form: will be kept until the conclusion of your request in the following way
4.- Recipients of the information
The data that the USER has provided to THE COMPANY will not be communicated to any third party, unless:
The transfer is authorized in a law.
The treatment responds to the free and legitimate acceptance of a legal relationship whose development, compliance and control necessarily involves the connection of such treatment with third party files, such as banks for the billing of products or services contracted or courier companies for the shipment of contracted products.
The data are requested by the Public Prosecutor’s Office or the Judges or Courts or the Court of Auditors, in the exercise of the functions attributed to them.
5.- Compulsory or optional nature of the information requested.
The obligatory data of each form shall be identified as such on the form itself.
The refusal to provide such information will prevent the service requested by the USER.
6.- Exercise of rights
The USER may revoke his/her consent and exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, cancellation/deletion, opposition, limitation and portability by sending an e-mail to, identifying him/herself as a USER of the WEBSITE and specifying his/her request.
The USER may also exercise his/her rights of access, rectification, cancellation/suppression, opposition, limitation and portability by ordinary mail to the above address, identifying him/herself as a USER of the WEBSITE, providing a photocopy of his/her ID card or equivalent document and specifying his/her request.
Likewise, if you consider your right to personal data protection has been violated, you may file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (
7.- Obligations of the USER
The USER guarantees that he/she is of legal age and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.
The USER undertakes to inform THE COMPANY of any modification of the information provided by sending an e-mail to the address, identifying himself/herself as USER of the WEBSITE and specifying the information that must be modified.
Likewise, the USER undertakes to keep the passwords and identification codes secret and to inform the COMPANY as soon as possible in case of loss, theft or unauthorized access. In the absence of such communication, THE COMPANY will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse by unauthorized third parties of such passwords and identification codes.
8.- Data of third parties provided by the USER
In the event that the USER provides personal data of third parties for any purpose, he/she guarantees to have previously informed the affected parties and to have obtained their consent for the communication of their data to THE COMPANY.
The USER guarantees that those affected are of legal age and that the information provided is accurate and truthful.
THE COMPANY will verify the consent of those affected through a first email with non-commercial content in which verification of the consent given on their behalf by the USER will be requested.
In the event of liability arising from a breach of these conditions by the USER, the USER shall be liable for the consequences of such breach.
9.- Cookies and tracking files
In addition to those cookies strictly necessary for web browsing, such as session cookies, this website uses analytical and advertising cookies, own and third party (Google Analytics services), which allow information to be stored in the user’s browser, which can be retrieved on subsequent visits.
Google Analytics services are used to measure and analyze visits to the website. The data obtained will be processed by Google in accordance with the Google Analytics Privacy Policy. Therefore, the exercise of any rights related to Google cookies must be communicated directly to those responsible for Google.
Cookies will not be installed on your computer until you click on the ACCEPT button or express your willingness to browse the website through one of the following actions:
Staying on the website for more than 30 seconds
Scroll vertically through the site
Click on any point or link on the website.
By performing any of these actions the USER accepts the use of cookies and IP address tracking files whose use allows THE COMPANY to collect data for statistical purposes such as: date of first visit, number of times visited, date of last visit, URL and domain from which it comes, browser used and screen resolution.
In any case, the USER may prevent the installation of cookies or delete those that have already been installed, through the configuration of your browser, as well as through the use of specific applications. However, THE COMPANY is not responsible for the fact that the deactivation of the same may prevent the proper functioning of the page. The information obtained is completely anonymous, and in no case can be associated to a specific and identified user.
These are the instructions to configure cookies in the main browsers:
Chrome: Settings -> Show advanced options -> Privacy -> Content settings. For more information, you can consult Google support or the browser’s Help.
Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Privacy -> History -> Custom Settings. For more information, you can consult the support of Mozilla or the browser’s Help.
Internet Explorer: Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy -> Settings. For more information, you can consult the Microsoft support or the browser Help.
Safari: Preferences -> Security. For more information, you can consult the Apple support or the browser Help.
10.- Security measures
THE COMPANY has adopted the necessary technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and avoid its alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed, whether from human action or the physical or natural environment.
However, the USER must be aware that Internet security measures are not impregnable.